Frequently Asked Periodontal Questions Vista

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Below, our team has compiled a list of some of the most common periodontal questions we receive from our patients, along with Dr. Farhoumand’s answers. If you don’t see the information you’re looking for, we invite you to call our office directly to make sure any of your questions or concerns are addressed by professionals.

What is a periodontist?

A periodontist is a specialist trained to prevent, diagnose, and treat periodontal disease. Periodontists also have the experience and training to place dental implants and perform specific cosmetic procedures. To become a periodontist, the individual must complete three years of targeted post-graduate training beyond dental school.

What causes periodontal disease?

Periodontal disease begins with the accumulation of bacteria and plaque along the gumline. As plaque hardens and continues to accumulate below the gumline, the gums become inflamed and the inflammation spreads to the neighboring bone, leading to bone resorption and thus, the telltale signs of periodontal disease.

What are the symptoms of periodontal disease?

Often times there are no symptoms. The earliest signs of periodontal disease can be difficult to spot, but they often include bad breath, swelling, and bleeding of the gums, especially during brushing. As gingivitis transforms into periodontitis, more serious symptoms can develop. These symptoms include loose teeth, or even tooth loss.

Does periodontal therapy hurt?

The good news is that, in most cases, the answer to this question is no. With today’s tools and treatment techniques, patients can receive comfortable, anxiety-free care. Patients may experience some post-procedural soreness, but this can be managed with over-the-counter medication.

What are All-on-4 dental implants?

Developed by Nobel Biocare, All-on-4 dentures are a great alternative to traditional implant-supported dentures. They’re more affordable, the treatment process takes less time, and they require less bone tissue for support.

What is a dental implant?

This revolutionary service can help patients replace everything from a single tooth to a full jaw of teeth. It’s not perfect for every patient who needs restorative care, though. Dr. Farhoumand and your general dentist will be happy to work with you to determine whether dental implants are really a good match for you.

If I have gum disease, are there nonsurgical options for me?

Oral surgery is not always needed when it comes to periodontal disease. As with anything, there are varying levels of severity, and Dr. Farhoumand is able to provide several non-invasive options to help combat gum disease. Explore our nonsurgical periodontal treatments here.

I have a gummy smile, what can I do to improve its appearance?

Dr. Farhoumand performs different kinds of cosmetic procedures, such as esthetic crown lengthening and lip repositioning to remove excess gum tissue and restore a more balanced smile, in addition to gum grafting and gum bleaching procedures.

Is gum disease preventable?

The answer is not so straightforward. The biggest and most preventable risk factors of periodontal disease are a history of smoking, current smoking, and/or poor oral hygiene. However, if you are not or have never been a smoker and go in for regular dental visits, and still have been diagnosed with periodontal disease, then other risk factors may be involved. These include diabetes or genetics, that are not as preventable. With a diagnosis of diabetes, it is important to have your Hba1c value checked every three months by your physician to make sure your sugar levels are controlled.  The best thing you can do for yourself, and the health of your mouth, is to go in for your dental visit every six months for a professional cleaning and exam, and to follow up with good oral hygiene at home.