Sedation Dentist Vista

Relax While You’re in the Treatment Chair

Woman relaxing with her hands behind her head after sedation dentistry in Vista

Are you nervous about your upcoming gum procedure with Dr. Farhoumand? You’re not alone. Dental anxiety is common for anyone who’s about to undergo a dental procedure, regardless of what it’s for. Thankfully, there are ways to alleviate the stressful feelings of anxiety. With options for sedation dentistry in Vista like oral conscious sedation, you can have a comfortable, stress-free experience.

Why Choose Bita Farhoumand, DDS for Sedation Dentistry?

  • A Caring Expert Periodontist with Years of Experience
  • Safe & Fast-Acting Oral Conscious Sedation
  • Friendly, Welcoming & Attentive Dental Team

How Oral Sedation Dentistry Works

Man holding a white pill and a glass of water

Oral conscious sedation works using a regularly prescribed medication and is administered in the dental office. The effects of oral conscious sedation do take longer to wear off, and as a result, patients will need to have a friend or family member accompany them to their appointment. In most cases, you will feel back to normal within several hours.

Sedation Dentistry FAQs

At this point, maybe you’re considering sedation dentistry. It’d certainly make your periodontal treatment more comfortable! That said, you likely still have questions about the service. Having the correct details can confirm if sedation is right for you. Fortunately, Dr. Farhoumand and her team have you covered. Listed below are some oft-asked questions about dental sedatives. For other concerns, feel free to call us.

What Are the Risks of Sedation Dentistry?

To be clear, sedation dentistry is generally safe. Almost anyone can receive it without complication. However, it does present risks for some people.

In particular, dental sedatives can cause issues for those with pre-existing conditions. For example, someone taking a specific medication may react poorly to oral sedation. There’s also the possibility that a person will have a unique reaction to a sedative.

Aside from these outcomes, sedation risks are mild at best. Common side effects after a procedure include nausea, headaches, and grogginess.

Does Dental Sedation Put You to Sleep?

True enough, sedation dentistry is sometimes called “sleep dentistry.” However, it’s referred to as “conscious” sedation because most patients remain awake and aware during their treatments, just in a relaxed state. While patients may feel so relaxed that they become drowsy and fall asleep, the medication itself will not put you to sleep.

Dentists usually want you awake during treatment because they occasionally need you to follow instructions and keep your mouth open. Given that fact, a sedative that puts you to sleep would hinder their work. Dentists thus try to avoid using such substances.

Granted, dental sedation can make your mind a bit foggy. That’s a common side effect of many sedatives. So, you may feel as though you slept even if you didn’t.

Can Dental Sedation Make You Sick?

On occasion, yes – dental sedation can make you feel sick. Oral conscious sedation carries a higher chance of nausea. Therefore, the dentist will likely suggest you not eat for a few hours before your procedure. To compensate, you may want to book your visit first thing in the morning.

How Long Does Dental Sedation Last?

The effects of oral conscious sedation can persist all day. That being the case, avoid driving or operating heavy machinery for 24 hours after the procedure. You should also arrange for someone to drive you home after the appointment.