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Implant Dentures - Encinitas, CA


Woman wiht implant denture smiling and holding an apple

Do you need to replace multiple teeth, or even a full row of teeth? Throughout the years, many dental patients have received the help they need with a traditional denture, whether it was a partial denture or a full denture.


Dentures aren’t guaranteed to last forever, though. Over time, a denture that once fit snugly can become loose and uncomfortable. When faced with this situation, dental patients may consider getting a new denture, or they may want to consider an alternative solution - implant dentures from our Encinitas, CA periodontist.

The best alternative to a traditional partial or full denture is an implant-supported denture. An implant-supported denture is supported by multiple implant posts, which are typically made of biocompatible titanium. Once in place, these posts act like prosthetic roots, providing the entire prosthetic with a level of stability that traditional dentures can’t match.

Treatment with dental implants is completed over the course of two phases. In the first phase, a series of implants will be surgically placed in the patient’s mouth. In the second phase, the patient’s custom-made denture is attached.

In most cases, a general dentist can attach the patient’s denture. The surgical phase of care, however, is typically completed by someone other than the general dentist because of the special skill set required to perform the procedure.

If you’re looking for someone who can help you place dental implants in preparation for an implant-supported denture, don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Bita. With her exceptional mixture of training and experience, she is happy to help patients from Virginia. Plus, as a traveling periodontist, Dr. Bita can provide the help you need in a dental office you’re already familiar with. She will work with your existing general dentist and his or her team to ensure that your entire treatment is personalized according to your needs and carried out with expert precision.