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Surgical Treatment - Encinitas, CA

Man with healthy smile after surgical periodontal treatment

Dr. Bita is dedicated to helping dental patients preserve and maintain their natural dentition. Sometimes, achieving these goals requires surgical intervention to repair what has been destroyed by disease. In cases where there is advanced bone loss, for example, a restored smile cannot be achieved with nonsurgical therapy, so Dr. Bita will recommend surgical treatment in your Encinitas, CA dental office. 

Pocket Depth Reduction

Eliminating the bacteria under the gums that causes periodontal disease is the first step in the treatment process. If deep pockets still remain after scaling and root planing, pocket reduction therapy is essential for eliminating these remaining deep pockets still harboring bacteria and toxins. Deep pockets are difficult to clean and leaving them as they are increases the possibility of your condition returning to what it was before scaling and root planing. If a special procedure to reduce the depth of your pockets is necessary, Dr. Bita will explain exactly what to expect from your treatment.

Guided Tissue Regeneration

Mostly used as an adjunct to pocket reduction therapy, guided tissue regeneration is a special procedure designed to regenerate the supportive bone destroyed by advanced periodontal disease.