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Crown Lengthening - Encinitas, CA


Woman with beautiful smile after esthetic crown lengthening

When you look at yourself in a mirror, do you see someone with a confident, happy smile, or do you see a smile that appears short and gummy? For some patients, this is a very real concern. The truth, however, is that your teeth aren’t any shorter or stubbier than anyone else’s; your mouth simply has more gum tissue than others do.


As a compassionate, experienced periodontist, Dr. Bita can help dental patients who are struggling with this exact problem achieve a newfound sense of confidence. Using a procedure known as esthetic crown lengthening in our Encinitas, CA dental office, she can remove your smile’s excess tissue and unveil the fuller, more beautiful smile underneath. To help you with this simple cosmetic procedure, Dr. Bita will coordinate with you and your general dentist to ensure that you receive the comfortable care you need in a familiar environment.

Experience a New Sense of Confidence

Having a confident smile can make a tremendous difference in your life. Patients who smile openly and who have beautiful teeth are often perceived as friendlier and more outgoing by their peers, among other positive qualities. If you feel that your smile is holding back, let Dr. Bita talk to you about the way esthetic crown lengthening could change your everyday life.

Learn More about Esthetic Crown Lengthening

Would you like to learn more about how esthetic crown lengthening can change your smile? Contact Dr. Bita today if you have any questions! In addition to answering your questions, she can begin working with your general dentist to start the consultation process. During a full-mouth exam, Dr. Bita can assess your exact needs and offer a personalized recommendation.