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Soft Tissue Grafting - Encinitas, CA


Woman pointing to smile after soft tissue grafting

How has periodontal disease changed your smile? For dental patients with advanced periodontitis, one of the changes that can happen is gum recession. As the gums recede, more of the dental patient’s teeth are exposed, including portions of their tooth roots.


When the tooth roots are exposed, dental patients can experience greater sensitivity and an increased risk of developing cavities on the root of the tooth.  Receding gums can also make you feel more self-conscious about how your smile looks.

Thankfully, victims of gum recession can restore what they’ve lost with a special procedure known as soft tissue grafting from our Encinitas, CA periodontist. During a soft tissue graft, a small amount of donor tissue is placed on the tooth surface with recession.

The tissue graft used is either taken from the patient’s own mouth, or donor tissue from a tissue bank can be used so as to avoid a second surgical site. Regardless of where the tissue comes from, the results will be a healthier, more attractive smile.

Comfortable Care in a Familiar Setting

In addition to being a board periodontist, Dr. Bita is also a traveling periodontist. This means you can receive the advanced care you need in a dental office setting you’re already familiar with. Dr. Bita will coordinate your treatment with your general dentist and work with his or her team on the day of your treatment to help you receive the essential care you deserve.

In addition to completing your treatment in a familiar dental office, Dr. Bita is also happy to offer sedation options like nitrous oxide and oral sedation. With these options, we can help patients who are anxious set aside their uncomfortable feelings to enjoy a comfortable procedure.